Every organ in the body can be harmed by smoking, and that includes the eyes. […]
Finding The Right Frames For Your Face
It’s easy to make fun of the idea that Superman can hide his identity behind a pair of glasses. […]
Look How Far Corrective Lenses Have Come!
Can you imagine wearing glasses with lenses made of crystal? Your ancestors could. […]
You have presbyopia. Now what?
Do you find yourself squinting to read your computer screen, or struggling to read your smartphone, menus, magazines or labels? If you do, and you’re over 40, chances are you have presbyopia. Presbyopia Signs And Symptoms Presbyopia is the normal change that occurs as your eye ages because the lens stiffens and loses flexibility, making […]
How Do Our Eyes Compare With Cameras?
If you’ve taken a lot of pictures, you might have noticed that the photos don’t always turn out the same as what we see. […]
Protect Your Sight As You Age
We all get older and so do our eyes, but there’s still a lot we can do to keep our eyes healthy as we age. […]
Cosmetics And Our Eye Health
Nobody likes accidentally jabbing themselves in the eye with a mascara applicator, but that isn’t the only eye health concern when it comes to cosmetics. […]
Healthy Foods For Healthy Eyes
We’ve all heard that eating carrots will improve our vision. They may not give us super night vision, but eating them can help keep our eyes healthy. […]
A Back-to-School Contact Lens Guide For Teens
Another summer behind us, another school year just ahead. So much to do to get ready. As you rush around getting new school clothes and school supplies, don’t forget to schedule your student’s back-to-school eye exam. This is an essential step for school readiness because poor vision can be a barrier to learning. Which might […]
Solar Eclipse 101
Solar Eclipse Information & Eye Safety On Monday, August 21, 2017, Americans will experience the first total solar eclipse to span this country from coast to coast since June 8, 1918 – 99 years ago! So this Great American Eclipse will truly be a moment for the ages. This will be an opportunity to witness the corona of the […]