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Support Local and Shop Local during the COVID-19 crisis

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During this COVID-19 Pandemic, there are so many who are affected by this crisis.  Here are many ways that Vision Care Center is remaining open to provide care for our patients:

  • If you are running low on contact lenses and worried that you won’t have enough, just give us a call.  We are extending contact lens prescription expiration dates on a case by case basis to allow you to order more lenses.  Call 670.2020 or email [email protected] to order today.
  • If your eyeglasses have become bent or broken and are in need of repair or replacement, we do have an optician available to help with any adjustments, repairs, or replacements.  We are scheduling by appointment.  Please call 670.2020 to schedule this appointment.
  • Emergency Eyecare: Our doctors are available by appointment for medical visits to treat any acute eye problems – i.e. pink eye, styes, itchy/allergy-related eye problems, flashing lights / new onset floaters.  If you are experiencing any eye symptoms like this, call 670.2020 to schedule an appointment.

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Vision Care Center is offering gift certificates in various amounts.  If you are not due for your eye exam for awhile but know that you’ll be needing to order more contact lenses or a new pair of eyeglasses, you can order a gift certificate today and then use this certificate later in the year when you come in for your eye exam.  To order your gift certificate, call us at 670.2020 or email at [email protected] to place your order.

Thank you for your support during this difficult time.

Vision Care Center

Written by Vision Care Center

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Our Locations


Find us just south of the Sheridan & Glen intersection, across the street from Walgreens, on the same side of the road of Peoria Notre Dame High School.

To contact our Vision Therapy department, please call 309.670.2020 ext. 2, then choose Option #2 to be directed to VT.

  • 4727 N Sheridan Road
  • Peoria, IL 61614


You can find our office on North Cummings Lane, right next door to Rock Valley Physical Therapy. We offer plenty of parking in front of our clinic with accessible parking stalls.

To contact our Vision Therapy department, please call 309.670.2020 ext. 2, then choose Option #2 to be directed to VT.

  • 1009 North Cummings Lane
  • Washington, IL 61571
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