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A Back-to-School Contact Lens Guide For Teens

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Another summer behind us, another school year just ahead. So much to do to get ready.

As you rush around getting new school clothes and school supplies, don’t forget to schedule your student’s back-to-school eye exam. This is an essential step for school readiness because poor vision can be a barrier to learning. Which might be why August is Back to School Eye Health Month.

What if my child wants contact lenses?

Wearing contact lenses can help teenagers feel more confident in their appearance. Contact lenses are also a great option for sports. These are advantages during this self-conscious age.

How do I know when my child is ready for contact lenses?

There’s no “right age” to begin wearing contact lenses — almost anyone of any age can wear them. But it involves a level of responsibility and ability to follow a wear-and-care routine. If you feel your child can responsibly care for lenses, then talk to their eye care professional to discuss options.

What’s a good lens for a first-time teen wearer?

Many eye care professionals recommend starting with a lens that’s worn for one day, such as Biotrue® ONEday daily disposable contact lenses. They are worn once, then thrown away. This makes them great for teens and other first-time wearers, and for your peace of mind.

But it really depends on what’s best for your child’s eye care needs. Be sure to ask your eye care professional for a prescription that is best for your child, whether it be a lens that is worn for one day, for two weeks of daily wear, or one that’s designed for one month of daily wear. As long as your child follows a proper wear and care regimen, they will likely have success.

What, exactly, is a proper wear and care regimen?

A proper wear and care regimen is critical for contact lens success. The wear and care instructions are based on the lens and wearing cycle your doctor recommends. So follow your doctor’s recommendations for proper lens disinfection, and how often to replace them.

Regardless of what kind of lens your doctor recommends, everyone wearing contact lenses should always wash their hands before touching them, or their eyes.

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Four tips every parent should share.

  1. New quarter, new case. It’s important contact lens cases be replaced at least every three months.
  2. Just say no to H20. Water from the tap might be clean enough to drink or bathe in, but it’s a major bacteria-carrying no-no when it comes to rinsing and soaking contact lenses or cases. Never swim, shower or go in a hot tub wearing contact lenses either.
  3. Think twice before snoozing. Unless the contact lenses are prescribed by your doctor for 24-hour wear, it is not a good idea to sleep in them.
  4. It’s too late if you wait. If you see any symptoms of eye infection, such as redness, pain or light sensitivity, see your eye doctor as soon as possible. Don’t take chances with vision.

We hope this answered all your questions regarding your teenager wearing contact lenses. If you still need help determining whether your child is ready for contact lenses, talk to your eye care professional.

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Written by Vision Care Center

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